What They Really, Really Want: Helping Underclassmen Achieve Success

To high school seniors, the college experience can look pretty scary. They don’t know what it’s going to be like, who their friend groups will be, whether or not they’ll like their professors, and what career they should pick. For incoming college students, there are a few important elements they’re paying attention to (and here’s how to help them!):

Maximizing Their GPA.

How a student performs in the classroom is incredibly important to them. In a pool of job applications, it can make them stand out from the crowd. You can help them achieve academic success through the tasks you assign in our mobile app. Encourage them to create study groups, tutor other students, or have them shoot for the extra credit assignments in their classes! Not only will their grades shine, but your student ambassador will, too.


Making Something Better.

Even though achieving a high GPA is important, that alone won’t land them the job. College students know they need to follow their interests to determine where they’ll make an impact.

Help them do this by offering tasks that peak different interests. This could include: joining different campus organizations, generating record results in fundraisers, or starting a campus initiative. These accomplishments will ultimately be a primary source of discussion with a recruiter on interview day.

Get Work Experience Early.

Students know they need in-the-field experience to land a great job. However, accessibility to opportunities can vary depending on the field they’re interested in. Not to mention the amount of rejection undergrads face when most of what they have on their resumes doesn’t fit in their chosen career path.

By getting involved with Go Commando, your student ambassadors take on the tasks you assign them, make money by doing them, and develop that ‘Experience’ section of their resume. Better yet, they’ll be doing tasks beyond typical clerical work, which will help them when it comes time for their ‘big kid’ job interview.

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As students make their way through college, they figure a few things out, but it can still be pretty intimidating. Add in the stress surrounding landing that first job out of college, and the intimidation gets dramatically worse.

The good news it doesn’t have to be. Brands are starting to take notice and provide students with experiential learning opportunities via platforms like Go Commando. By providing students with ‘real life’ tasks, they’re not only making money while studying- they’re gaining that sought-after experience, too.

Connect with us for a demo of our powerful, interactive mobile app.

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