Category Archives: Money

Make Easy Money Without the Commitment of a Job

Most students work hard all summer to save up a sum of money for essentials, a little fun and emergencies while away at school but many experience a hard reality: funds run out before the year is over and balancing a job and a full course load can be hard to handle. What many student […]

Students Earn More Green Per Buck with Eco-Friendly Shopping

Students everywhere are becoming more and more conscious when shopping. They’re choosing brands and products that share the same value of sustainability and opt-in for eco-friendly alternatives to their favorite products when they can. This year, students will earn more green per buck with eco-friendly shopping that will make them fashionable and give them the […]

5 Ways Students Can Spend Less and Save More

From tuition and buying textbooks to filling your gas tank and spending money out with friends, college is an expensive experience that often leaves a dent in your wallet. Here are 5 ways students can spend less and save more without giving up the things they love or the activities they enjoy. Shop smarter A simple Google […]

Tapping Into Mobile Payments

When was the last time you went to the grocery store or gas station and paid in cash? Can you remember when you went to the bank or ATM to make a cash withdrawal? If you are like me, then you use your debit or credit card, or some sort of mobile payment system for all your […]