Jumbotron ads just aren’t cutting it anymore for fan engagement at sporting events. Sports fans are more responsive to efforts by brands to contribute to the event experience. Brands that invest in event marketing (over advertising alone) at games send the signal that they are connected to and involved with the community.
Here are some ways to get started promoting your brand at games while engaging with your target audience:
- Sponsor In-Game Raffles & Giveaways
What’s better than free gear? Engage with sports fans by hosting an in-game raffle. One way to do this can be randomly selecting a seating section as winners of prizes like gift cards or t-shirts. Sponsoring a raffle will ensure your brand is memorable after the game ends.
- Arrange a Half-Time Sponsored Activity or Game
Take advantage of half-time with a race against your brand mascot or inject your brand into the free-throw contest. Be sure to reward volunteers with brand swag or a sweet deal.
- Distribute Seasonal Gear
Show your brand cares about the community. Have your brand reps hand out scarves or hot chocolate at chilly games and water or hand-held fans on sweltering afternoons. This simple gesture makes a big difference in how fans experience the game and shows that your brand cares.
- Take Advantage of Social
If you want to utilize the Jumbotron, take advantage of the opportunity to promote a social campaign along with your brand logo. This works best when combined with some type of fan engagement activity.
Fans appreciate brands that make going to the game even better. Host engaging game-day activities to improve your brand’s reputation instead of relying on ads on the Jumbotron.
photo credit: The Giant Screen via flickr.com (license)