You’ve got your student recruiters – now what? How do you break into their day-to-day routine, while providing them with activities that are fun and help promote your brand?
While this may feel like the mystery of the sphinx, worry not! At Go Commando, we make sure our student acquisition and market research provides you and your brand insightful information to be successful.
In a generation categorized by ‘being busy,’ it can be difficult to break a college student’s routine activities. This generation loves instant gratification, making them more likely to take on quick, seemingly ‘painless’ activities to induce the sensation completing a task provides.
Quick, brand-focused activities could include:
- Downloading your brand’s app! It’s that easy- students are always looking for the next best app to get engaged with their world and their friends. Invite them to share with your app!
- Have your student recruiters perform a task to help feed your brand’s culture. Maybe that’s passing out snacks during exam week, pass out branded moving boxes during move-out week, at an academic hall, or just doing a quick dance in a busy dining hall. Have their friends capture these moments on social media so it spreads through their network!
In addition to instant gratification, these digital mavens love knowing they’re providing value to something. This generation enjoys being a part of something larger than themselves and giving back.
- If you’re a company looking for individuals to use your app or service, have your student recruiters invite their peers to test it out! This not only gives these students a sense of accomplishment, but it feeds their desire to be valuable and provide value.
- Encourage your student recruiters to capture video testimonials. These young adults are constantly sharing Snapchats, Instagram stories, and Facebook Live videos. Invite them to use their natural sharing habits to create branded content for your brand.
- Have your student recruiters pass out noise-cancelling headphones at their school’s library and/or study hall(s). This promotes your brand as being helpful and useful, while helping the student recruiter feel good about helping their peers study better.
‘Sharing is caring’ is a life motto for college students- any activity to promote sharing among their friends or peers helps them look like a thought-leader and someone who is in the know, both qualities this generation loves.
Empower your student recruiters by:
- Having them share an article you posted on your social media accounts. Sharing current, industry content and having your student recruiters share it not only increases the number of eyes on the content, but promotes brand awareness and helps your student recruiter look like they’re in the know!
- Motivate them to create a video, advertising your brand! This plays into your student recruiter’s love to share, as well as their need to provide value.
Brainstorming new and innovative ways to motivate college students to get involved can be challenging. We have a variety of resources and a staff ready to help put our target research to work to ensure your activities bring in a higher ROI!
Learn more about how we’ve helped brands, like you, broaden their reach, check our Case Studies, or connect with us directly!