Go Commando App allows for brands to quickly and accurately conduct important market research with ease. With an established foundation of eager college students and millennials, Go Commando delivers a direct path for brands to reach their target audience and gain valuable insight.
Expensive and time-consuming are two words that describe marketing research before digital techniques became popular. With today’s capabilities of social media and technology, trends and opinions can be made and changed in an instant. Traditionally, a bad customer experience meant that the customer told one or two of their friends. Nowadays, one bad experience can lead to a poor review that spreads and is read by hundreds and thousands of people. When trying to grow brand affinity, it is important to study and gauge your audience’s view on your brand’s likability. This whole process has been streamlined to bridge the gap between brands and consumers.
The benefits of using the Go Commando App are real. HP recently began a campus representative program and is now experiencing successful results because they tapped into the broad network of commandos in various college campuses.
Check out the Go Commando infographic to discover more on how to it can work for your brand.
photo credit: Lápices de colores 002 via photopin (license)