In a previous post, we talked about how to run a successful campus rep program by suggesting a few guidelines that allow you to effectively manage your students. With these in mind, we dig deeper to find the motives that encourage reps to stick with an organization for the long haul.
Open up your network. Campus rep programs are being recognized as excellent substitutes for gaining experience when an internship might not be as accessible. With a more flexible program, students are looking to gain valuable job experience while completing their education. A great way to build loyalty and value is by opening up a network for the students to explore. Connect reps with each-other across campuses, provide networking opportunities with your regular employees, and encourage collaboration of ideas to spur creativity. These connections can go a long way in obtaining and retaining talent after your reps graduate.
Treat reps like employees. Students can sense when they’re not being treated with the attention that they need in order to be successful. If they’re not gaining value or do not feel like a part of the organization, they won’t keep returning value to you. To manage your full-time employees, you set goals and expectations, track progress, and provide incentives in order grow. Having your campus reps off-site makes this structure tougher to manage. Go Commando helps you provide the right incentives to effectively keep your reps informed, involved and influential in the college market.
It’s all about that swag. Part of being a college student is discovering what you love and expressing yourself throughout the journey. When students get involved in organizations and events, they want to showcase their efforts. Think about all the sunglasses, draw-string bags, t-shirts, and hats that are bouncing around campuses. This is an opportunity to give your reps an exclusive identity that acknowledges their involvement and validates their efforts. Not to mention it’s a marketing opportunity for your brand!
If you can create the network value for a student’s future, give them the attention they need as an employee, and provide them with exclusive perks, then there is a good chance that you can gain the loyalty and retention that you hoped for in your campus rep program.