The Definitive Blog to Creating a Resume that Doesn’t Suck

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Your resume is your foot in the door. So make sure it’s a swift kick in the pants to any recruiter looking for the talent you offer.

  1. Tailor its content. Your resume needs to say that you are the perfect candidate for the job. Feature relevant experience. And consider its design – if you’re a creative type seeking a Web design internship, build a beautiful resume.
  2. Spotlight quantifiable achievements. Like this. Accelerated social media growth 30 percent in one year by integrating a new storytelling approach.
  3. Include industry buzzwords, but don’t sound pretentious. (Look here: Forbes has compiled a list of the best and worst words to put on your resume).
  4. Make sure it is readable. And error-free. Resumes with glaring typos, grammatical errors, and timeline inconsistencies imply a lack of self-discipline.

Who ever thought your resume could Go Commando? Well it can, and it will. Download our Definitive Guide to Creating a Resume That Doesn’t Suck now. And raise your game.

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