4 Tips for Achieving Your Goals

Chances are the resolutions and goals you set five months ago are no longer at the forefront and have since been moved to the back burner while life has gotten in the way. It’s likely you didn’t achieve much of what you set out to accomplish and you haven’t thought twice about it.

The truth is, setting goals is easy but working towards them is a challenge of its own. So how do you set goals and stay motivated to work towards achieving them? Well, you have to actually get started.

Getting started is the hardest part of working towards your goals. It’s harder than any challenges you will be faced with later because getting started requires you to change the way you live and work. It requires changes in your schedule and when and how you do things. It might even require working longer hours or leaving your comfort zone.

Getting started means beating procrastination and excuses with a method that’s motivating and will encourage you to put all of that aside and just do it. While that method is different for everyone, once you find it and get started, the momentum will carry you.

Once you’ve found a method that motivates you to get started be sure to keep the momentum going by following these tips to help keep you focused.

1. Keep a journal
Writing down your goals is a great way to hold yourself accountable. How does writing down your goals help? It becomes a contract to yourself and sparks motivation to achieve those goals. It forces you to be specific and clear about what your goals are which will make them easier to achieve. It stimulates creativity and motivates you to think of the next step. Once you’ve written down your goals be sure to keep track of your progress by writing it down. It’s a great way to stay motivated and keep track of what’s working, what isn’t, and making necessary changes along the way.

2. Create new habits
Staying focused on your goals sometimes means kicking old stagnating habits and developing new habits that are positive and empowering. The best way to get rid of those old habits and adopt new ones is to stay focused on a new habit for at least 21 days. By focusing and making it a part of your daily routine for at least 21 days it will become engraved in your personality making and you will begin doing it without even thinking about it.

3. Surround yourself with the right people
Who you surround yourself with has the biggest influence on your personal behavior and perspective. Surrounding yourself with toxic people that carry a negative outlook and don’t share similar goals can be harmful to achieving goals of your own. It’s important to know that regardless how long you’ve known someone, there’s nothing wrong with moving on from people who don’t share similar goals or aren’t motivated to improve themselves. Moving on from people that weigh you down makes room for new ones with similar ambitions to step in, helping accelerate your goals.

4. Take breaks
Taking time off and immersing yourself in hobbies you enjoy or short vacations is a great way to recharge. Often times you’ll return refreshed, inspired and eager to get back on track with achieving your goals. Time off can be a great thing, but too much time off can lead to stagnation which will hinder your progress.

One thought on “4 Tips for Achieving Your Goals

  1. Great article Chloe! One thing that really accelerated my career was having a Coach! I use https://www.lisnic.com to connect with mine now, Coaching is honestly the way to go.

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