Get Creative with Market Research

Go Commando App allows for brands to quickly and accurately conduct important market research with ease. With an established foundation of eager college students and millennials, Go Commando delivers a direct path for brands to reach their target audience and gain valuable insight. Expensive and time-consuming are two words that describe marketing research before digital […]

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Brands – Get Creative!

In a recent article, Forbes encouraged brands to start engaging with millennials. Unlike previous generations, millennials want to feel a connection between themselves and the brands they like. Go Commando has developed an app that makes communicating and establishing a connection with millennials easy and creative. A strategy to reach millennials is developing creative tasks […]

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Leverage Social Media For Your Brand

College students are plugged in constantly. Take a look around any building on campus and you’ll likely see the glow of a screen. Laptops, smartphones, tablets; you name it, they’re using it. So what are millennials up to on their devices? Connecting with their peers, celebrities, companies, and brands on social media. Millennials are 247% […]

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New Marketing Strategies to Reach Millennials

Simply put, millennials are changing the marketing game. This new generation of consumers are not buying products like their parents did. U.S millennials reported that they are most influenced by family, friends and strangers rather than advertisements and experts. In order to become successful with millennials, brands must understand what is important to them and […]