What Activities Does a Campus Rep Do?

A campus rep completes many activities for brands, both online and offline, that are intended to influence their peers.  Activities are broken out into three categories – market research, recruitment and marketing activities. Here are four of the most common activities performed by a campus rep. 

  1. Market Research 

Get students’ opinions on your marketing plan before you finalize it. For example, let’s say you manage a movie company and want to learn what other events are happening on campus on a particular day, so that you increase traffic to your movie’s pre-screening. Campus reps can review academic calendars and social media groups to pick the perfect date on their campus. 

Other market research ideas include: 

Get students’ opinions on what product in your portfolio should be included in your sampling program 

Create a student-based focus group 

Select beta testers for your new app 

Find out who the decision maker on your campus is for reserving space for a pop up shop 

Learn the answers to questions such as: What is the hottest spring break destination? Most popular bar? What does a day in the life of a student look like?

Gather hundreds, thousands of responses by having your campus rep’s peers answer these sets of questions 

2.            Recruit More Campus Reps 

Long running campus rep programs have a recruitment function built in that allows existing campus reps to recruit new ones. This allows the campus rep program to assist with its own recruitment, freeing time for corporate HR departments. 

For example, your current campus rep could schedule time to talk in front of relevant student organizations on campus to discuss your business’s opportunity. If your brand would prefer to maintain more control over the message, – have your rep play a video on the day in the life of a campus rep instead.

Other recruitment activities your campus rep could perform include: 

Ask professors to post information about the campus rep openings 

Collect email addresses of students who are interested in applying 

Introduce themselves to Career Services on campus 

Post the opportunity on their school’s online job board 

Post the opportunity on their personal social media pages 

3.            Marketing Activities, Both Online and Offline

You have determined what campus reps should talk about from your market research and found campus reps to execute. Here are 37 more common activities we see on college campuses that campus reps could be doing to market your product / service:

Hand out samples of product to their peers 

Speak about your product/brand in front of a class

Speak about your product/brand in front of a student organization 

Reserve space on campus for your tour vehicle 

Get their peers to download your app 

Host an event in a sorority or fraternity house

Share an article you just posted on their social media accounts

Go on your website and post their favorite product to their social media account

Take a picture of your display in the store to ensure the image you want to portray is being met

Put up flyers about your upcoming event

Stencil sidewalk chalkings with #stencilmania 

Impromptu fashion show runway in the Union 

Get front row of your football student section and hold up this poster

Pass out branded moving boxes during move out week 

Give parents water during move in and tell them about the nearest location to buy what they forgot

Participate in a classroom competition with a capstone course on campus 

Gather the mailing addresses of Greek Houses then send the houses a surprise package

Amplify one of your social media posts with more likes, comments, shares

Reserve a table on campus and have students spin to win swag 

Create custom frisbees and tape gift cards to the bottom of them, then have your reps throw them around campus

Create a student organization on campus 

Demo your product 

Pass out popcorn and our new beverage before the campus movies on the weekends

Write on classroom whiteboard / chalkboard a specific message 

Pass out noise canceling headphones in library to promote our new technology 

Branded static clings in all dorm bathrooms prior to move in

Stock dorm room fridges prior to move in

Have students change their social media profile and banner images to ones provided by you

Weekly coupon distribution

Order pizza to be delivered by students who are wearing your branding in a surprise and delight fashion on campus

Give students a link to your website with a unique coupon code 

Create bookmarks with your brand’s information and have students drop them off to their peers studying at the library

Create a bean bag toss game that includes the brand’s product and set it up for people on campus to play

Walk around campus with a sandwich board sign 

Create an intramural sports team and give samples to each opposing team played

Share your song list on Spotify 

Get your brand involved in the largest event on campus 

Talk to student organizations about how to put their best suit forward before a career fair Now that you understand what types of activities are appropriate for a Campus Rep to complete, contact Campus Commandos to help create a personalized college marketing plan for your brand.