Tag Archives: millennials

Fact or Fiction? 3 Mantras about Marketing to Millennials (Part 1)

  Millennials are the largest generation in U.S. history. Boasting a population size of 76.6 million, it’s even larger than the Baby Boomer generation. This provides a tremendous opportunity for companies who market to college students using campus ambassador campaigns—but only for brands that understand what makes this generation unique. A lot of content is […]

Why Your Product Reviews Matter

Stop throwing away those receipts from recent purchases and pay attention to the website listed for feedback on your products and overall consumer experience. They matter— and a whole lot more than you probably think. Think about it. When shopping online where do you turn to first before making a purchase? Chances are you do […]

New Marketing Strategies to Reach Millennials

Simply put, millennials are changing the marketing game. This new generation of consumers are not buying products like their parents did. U.S millennials reported that they are most influenced by family, friends and strangers rather than advertisements and experts. In order to become successful with millennials, brands must understand what is important to them and […]