The $10 Trillion Reason You Need to Market to College Students

A lot of companies are hesitant to spend too much of their resources on marketing to college students. We can understand why. The economy has had a major impact on millennials—many of whom still live with their parents, have crushing student loan debt, and are underemployed. Besides, common wisdom says that millennials aren’t brand loyal […]

6 Powerful Ways Mobile Technology Propels Your Campus Marketing

Mobile technology has integrated into every aspect of millennials’ lives. Has your campus marketing integrated into mobile technology as well? Many brands are trailing behind the lifestyles of college students because they haven’t figured out how to successfully adopt the tremendous opportunities that mobile technology provides. But brands that leverage mobile can propel the success of their […]

How to Build the Perfect College Schedule

The perfect schedule is the key to a successful semester. You need to find a good balance of challenging and not as challenging classes. You also need to take classes that you have a genuine interest in, or the desire to learn the material just won’t be there. Before it comes time to schedule, be […]

4 Worst Campus Marketing Tactics that Need to Die

Some of the most popular campus marketing methods are also the least effective. Brands rely on certain go-to campaigns because they’re easy to do, inexpensive, and reach thousands of students fast. But that doesn’t mean you’re running a successful campaign or influencing students’ buying decisions. Here are four of the worst campus marketing tactics that […]

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What’s the Deal with Dry Campus Policies?

Earlier this month, an email was sent to Stanford University students from the university president saying the campus alcohol policy may change— for the stricter. Students were outraged. Prohibition might be in town. Dust off your hip flasks, garden hoses, and hot water bottles because it looks like fraternities could become 21st Century speakeasies. Oh, […]