Case Study: The Importance of Athlete Brand Endorsement

Athlete endorsements are hugely common among professional sports, but aren’t allowed on the collegiate level. While this will keep you from obtaining contracts and licenses with student athletes on campus, you should know that there are other cheaper and simpler ways to engage with college sports stars to capture the attention of the student body. […]

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5 Tips for Achieving Life Balance in College

Although heading off to college is an exciting time, you will quickly find that there are many people and activities aside from your academic workload that are vying for your time and attention. It’s important to find a balance between academics and things like extracurricular activities, your social circle, friends and family back home and […]

7 Tips to a Successful Semester

While you’re preparing to head to school this fall, it’s important to consider what things you’ll do differently to ensure you have a successful semester. Now is the time to break bad habits, develop good habits and set the course for a successful semester. Here are 7 tips to help you get started on the […]