Tag Archives: international

To Study Abroad Or Volunteer Abroad

For many college students hoping to leave the country at least once before graduation, the initial decision is between a study abroad program and an international volunteer trip. As someone who’s been on both, I’m going to hopefully help clear up some confusion and get you on a plane out of the country sooner. Here […]

What They Really, Really Want: Helping Underclassmen Achieve Success

To high school seniors, the college experience can look pretty scary. They don’t know what it’s going to be like, who their friend groups will be, whether or not they’ll like their professors, and what career they should pick. For incoming college students, there are a few important elements they’re paying attention to (and here’s how […]

How to Market to International College Students at a US College

How much has international student enrollment in U.S. colleges increased lately? Enough to warrant the headlines such as “U. of I. reaches out to 600 freshmen from China” and “The University of China at Illinois” popping up in the mainstream media. Think about it. It was only the mid-50’s, when international student enrollment was reaching […]