5 Art Films College Students Can Actually Enjoy

Sometimes we all feel like Hollywood makes the same movie over and over again – shallow characters, memorized scenes, and exhausted story lines. But, once in awhile, a film comes along that stands out from the rest; one that reminds us of a film’s true purpose, not to make money, but to make art. I […]

What They Don’t Tell You About Being a DC Intern

Robert De Niro did it. Elle Woods did it, even Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn did it. They all  landed a sweet internship. Now, I am by no means an expert on internships, but I do have experience with one particular creature of internship–the DC summer internship–and I’m here to tell you what they don’t […]

The 10 Pros & Cons of Owning a Dog in College

Owning any pet is a huge commitment that no one should take on lightly. Many times, people do not consider all of the costs and restrictions that come with owning a pet and I am no exception. I’ve owned dogs my whole life and decided my sophomore year of college to adopt my dog, Kano, […]

Your Crib Sheet for Marketing on Community College Campuses

Sometimes, the best campus marketing target isn’t a university. Of the 17+ million college students in the United States roughly 37% attend a two-year program. A multinational client of ours recently asked for our help hiring students in particular areas of Louisiana and Mississippi. According to the NCES, 50% of degree granting institutions in Louisiana […]

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6 Ways to Make Extra Cash in College

College is a time for studying. Well, that’s mostly true but it’s also time to learn about yourself. To really develop the person you’re going to be in the future. Studying is part of that equation, but so is traveling, partying, making friends, and working. Most things in life don’t come for free, so as […]

What You Don’t Know About Living in a Sorority House

I was never a girl who thought about joining a sorority and becoming part of the Greek Life Community. My whole life I was an introvert. I enjoyed having one or two best gal pals so I enjoyed my clubs and organizations, always thinking it would be enough. I guess I felt something was missing […]