Go Commando App Version 2.0

When the Go Commando App launched, we knew you couldn’t contain your excitement. Over the past couple weeks, many of you have been completing tasks on your campus left and right as campus representatives. But as with any new invention, there are a couple bugs. A new and improved version of the Go Commando App […]

Asking for a Letter of Recommendation

You don’t just want any recommendation letter; you want a well-written and complimentary recommendation letter. And to make sure that happens, you have to approach your contacts in just the right way. After all, you can’t exactly write one yourself. Depending on the position, you may need as many as three recommendation letters, preferably from […]

Avoid the Awkward: How to Handle Virtual Interviews

You just received the email saying, “Congratulations! We’re interested in hiring you as our Brand Ambassador.” However, in order to get the job you’ve been eyeing for so long, they’re asking for a Skype interview. What is it with everyone’s new obsession over not conducting interviews in-person? First comes the phone screen, then the phone interview, and […]

Beat the Burnout Blues

Everyone has those days, where everything seems to be piling up. You’ve committed to taking 18 credits and working overtime for your campus representative job and finals are coming up quickly. You’re probably considering all-nighters and ingested more caffeine than you previously thought possible. You’re on your way to burning out, so it’s time to work […]