6 Social Media Blunders That Could Cost You the Job

Employers are becoming tech savvy and turning to social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn to learn more about prospective hires. Even if they aren’t your Facebook friend or Twitter follower your boss, colleagues, and prospective employers can see the content you share online. With that said, it’s important to be aware of your […]

Why Your Product Reviews Matter

Stop throwing away those receipts from recent purchases and pay attention to the website listed for feedback on your products and overall consumer experience. They matter— and a whole lot more than you probably think. Think about it. When shopping online where do you turn to first before making a purchase? Chances are you do […]

7 Must-Have Apps That Will Make Life Easier

We live in a world where technology has become integrated into our daily lives. It’s the go-to for communication, absorbing the news and seeking entertainment. Apple and Android offer an overwhelming number of applications that can enhance our daily lives. Here are 7 applications that make student lives easier when it comes to finance, studying, […]