Election & College Campus: What It Means For Your Brand

This past election was a watershed moment for the American electorate: It was the first presidential election in which Generation Y—a.k.a.: Millennials—made up the same proportion of the U.S. voting-age population as the Baby BoomersSource: U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey,  Voting and Registration. Table 1-A. Available at http://www.census.gov/hhes/www/socdemo/voting/publications/historical/index.html In fact, as of April 2016, […]

It’s a Greek Thing

    While often times associated with parties and over-socializing, Greek Life is an untapped resource for many brands. These sub-networks of young minds spread ideas and messaging across college campuses all over the country- and that’s just the beginning. Strength in Numbers. Sororities and fraternities only thrive if their respective collectives thrive. Because of this, […]

No Rest for the Wicked: The Life of a Student

Brands, like you, are activating their student rep programs on college campuses throughout the country, providing an answer to the weary student’s prayers and granting them a flexible way to earn money and gain real-world experience. The reason being, this is a typical student’s routine: Wake up, go to class, meet up with friends, study, […]

The Best Ways To Stay Safe On Campus

College is fun, college is chill, college is “the best four years of your life,” but the actuality is a college campus can be scary sometimes. Being on campus and being safe are two things that don’t always go hand in hand. Campus safety has been a huge concern for years. In 2014, almost 50,000 […]

Beyond the Resume: Interviewing the Inexperienced

Any successful business knows that in order to stay competitive, it’s important to hire the best people. Sometimes these individuals have a full resume, boasting with years of experience in the field and the accolades to match. However, sometimes some of the best potential hires don’t have years of experience. How do you know who’s […]

How to Use LinkedIn in College

Maybe you’ve created an account on LinkedIn and made some contacts, but haven’t really been active on it on a weekly basis. Maybe you’re not on there at all. This is a HUGE mistake for college students (or anyone in the job market). Don’t slack on your presence on LinkedIn – if you don’t want […]

Staying ‘On Fleek’ with Gen Z During the Holidays

Before we know it, the halls will be decked for the holidays and many of us will be trying to figure out what to buy for our friends and families. While those of an older generation prefer handmade gifts and trinkets, marketing to college students, or more specifically, Gen Z, leaves many puzzled, with their […]

Netflix To Binge Now

Netflix users know there is no shortage of hot picks on Netflix: “Orange is the New Black,” “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia,” “Gossip Girl,” “American Horror Story,” “House of Cards” and more. Here are the other shows to seriously binge on in college. Luckily, all of these series are super mindless. If you fail this […]