How to Run a Successful Campus Rep Program

Starting a campus representative program at different colleges is complicated. You have to tailor your program to the student atmosphere at each campus, taking into consideration factors like greek life, whether students live on or off campus, where students tend to hang out, etc. Though the process can be time consuming, when done properly it […]

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Why You Need Campus Reps

College campuses are a goldmine of opportunity for your brand. Hundreds of thousands of potential consumers are waiting to be exposed to your product. Entering into the college market can be tough, especially if your brand lacks an existing student audience. You just need the right tools. Students from campuses across the country are searching […]

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Building A Winning Work Portfolio

Fan of the spotlight? Well, you’re in luck because we’re about to delve into the ultimate show-off document. This little attention-getter puts your resume and cover letter to shame. It makes your list of references run scared. This versatile wonder is a work portfolio. Work portfolios showcase what can’t be found anywhere else in your application […]

Get Respect: 4 Ways You Unknowingly Hurt Your Credibility

No matter where you are or what you’re doing, respect from your peers and supervisors is your greatest asset. Half the battle of becoming a leader is looking like one. The problem is, people pick up on more unconscious body language cues than you can possibly imagine. Credibility and authority relies on strength of character, […]

Social Media Rundown for Brand Commandos

Brand Commandos (a.k.a. Campus Representatives) walk a fine line between getting their message across and filling social media quotas without annoying their friends and followers. It’s all too easy to lose the following that gives you value simply by promoting a brand the wrong way. Here’s our guide to a happy medium. Have a Voice Don’t lose […]