How I Learned To Fly For Free

  Don’t you just love the sense of adventure that comes with pinning destinations on a map to all the places you want to travel? Or even more excitement that comes with booking that trip? And getting on the plane, well that’s just the best thing there is. What if I said you could fly […]

Technology For The Workplace

Technology is an ever-changing element in society. Every year we see phones getting thinner and more complex while computers getting smaller and more powerful. We also see technology such as virtual reality games and products like Amazon Echo or Google Home. These technologies are extremely important to our lives as students because they create new […]

Be the Brand Students Want

We live in a world where just about everything is available for purchase at our fingertips. Because of this, brands need to fight harder to gain ‘top of mind’ awareness among consumers. Students consumers can be even more difficult to snag, given their busy schedules and new life stresses. However, despite the all the brand competition, […]

Rethink the College Campus: Marketing to the American College Student

Being an international brand can be challenging when approaching different demographics in different countries. And when it comes to targeting college students, this varies even more so. College students in America may have different wants and needs than students in other countries. However, one thing that seems to stay consistent among college students is that […]

What They Really, Really Want: Helping Underclassmen Achieve Success

To high school seniors, the college experience can look pretty scary. They don’t know what it’s going to be like, who their friend groups will be, whether or not they’ll like their professors, and what career they should pick. For incoming college students, there are a few important elements they’re paying attention to (and here’s how […]

How to Motivate Millennial & Gen Z Students

It’s become a sad, overused cliche, and we’ve all heard the sentiment: “Millennials are lazy, narcissistic, and difficult to work with and  motivate.” Generation Z, much like the Millennials, aren’t always easy to figure out. And if you aren’t doing what you can to tap into and leverage their unique contributions, you may find it difficult to […]