7 Questions to Ask When Interviewing Student Marketing Agencies

The rules for market to today’s college students have changed. Both on the legal front and what resonates with them. According to a survey of Elite Daily readers/subscribers  33% of millennials rely mostly on blogs before they make a purchase, compared to fewer than 3% for TV news, magazines, and books. That number looks a […]

8 Ways to Do Halloween Campus Marketing 2016

Halloween differently this year. When everyone else is organizing a pub crawl—boring—you organize a costume swap. That’s the beauty of Halloween; it’s kind to the “freaks” of the idea bin. Just look at the advertising that brands do off campus around this time of year. Do you think Snickers could have gotten away with their […]

Using SEC University Traditions to Market Your Products to the Campus Community

The SEC has a rich history and a myriad of traditions. Established in 1932, the Southeastern Conference of Colleges includes 14 schools, located from Missouri to Texas to Florida. Among these are Vanderbilt University, the University of Florida, the University of Mississippi (Ole Miss), the University of Alabama, Auburn University and Texas A & M. […]

Five Big 10 College Traditions Your Brand Can Take Advantage Of

Whether you’re a well-known, large brand or an up and coming company, one of the largest and most valuable markets available to you is that on the college campus. Big 10 Schools and Colleges across the country are a large source of revenue for much more than you think. It’s not just the young adults […]

5 Ways to Save 5 Minutes (or More!)

  If you are looking to save five minutes in your busy college life, spend a few minutes reading this article and reviewing the additional links. 1. Put your phone away Before starting the process of going to bed for the night, put your phone away five minutes beforehand. Not only will this speed up […]

How to Market to International College Students at a US College

How much has international student enrollment in U.S. colleges increased lately? Enough to warrant the headlines such as “U. of I. reaches out to 600 freshmen from China” and “The University of China at Illinois” popping up in the mainstream media. Think about it. It was only the mid-50’s, when international student enrollment was reaching […]

5 Things to Know About The Class of 2021

Kids today, right? But no, we’re actually more interested in kids tomorrow. As in, college kids and what they’ll be like tomorrow. Because we’re not sure if you’ve noticed but it seems like everything today, from music and movies to share economy services to technology and travel all seems to be marketed to whoever is […]

Make the Most of Your Breakroom Relationships

For college students, summer internships are hard to come by…who am I kidding? Any internship is hard to come by, especially one that relates to whatever career you aspire to have in the future. After countless the hours of searching, interviewing, and crying over your dream internship, becoming a house spouse to a rich doctor becomes […]

Which Campuses Should You Avoid Marketing To?

When you’re looking for the right campuses to market to, you probably look at enrollment count and the college’s reputation. But you’re investing a lot of money and effort into your marketing program—especially if you’re targeting multiple campuses—and there’s a lot more to consider than the brand name when selecting schools. Every campus is different, […]

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13 Crazy College Courses

School pride is one thing, but what about your classes? Sure, you’re learning tons of valuable skills and information that will contribute to your career and your academic goals, but what about learning some really cool information? The Brief has found several classes that are just too awesome not to talk about, and they might […]